Atomicorp Archive :

../May 16 2024 12:33:594kb
AOOI4WIN.vbsJul 24 2024 14:24:503kb
RPM-GPG-KEY.atomicorp.txtMay 11 2023 17:45:312kb
aeo-betaJul 24 2024 14:24:4856kb
aeo-beta.sha256Jul 24 2024 14:24:490kb
aeo-beta.sha512Jul 24 2024 14:24:490kb
aooiDec 31 2019 16:53:2913kb
aslJul 24 2024 14:24:5067kb
asl-awp.sha512Dec 29 2020 13:51:090kb
asl-betaJul 24 2024 14:24:5250kb
asl-beta.sha256Jul 24 2024 14:24:520kb
asl-beta.sha512Jul 24 2024 14:24:530kb
asl-hubJul 24 2024 14:24:5355kb
asl-hub.ascJul 24 2024 14:24:541kb
asl-hub.sha256Jul 24 2024 14:24:540kb
asl-hub.sha512Jul 24 2024 14:24:550kb
asl-installer.zipJun 16 2022 11:38:04665kb
asl.ascJul 24 2024 14:24:511kb
asl.sha256Jul 24 2024 14:24:550kb
asl.sha512Jul 24 2024 14:24:560kb
atomicJul 24 2024 14:24:5617kb
atomic-betaDec 31 2019 16:53:2910kb
atomic-elkJul 24 2024 14:24:571kb
atomic-niJul 24 2024 14:24:5716kb
atomic.sha256Jul 24 2024 14:24:570kb
atomic.sha512Jul 24 2024 14:24:580kb
aumJul 24 2024 14:24:5940kb
aum-betaJul 24 2024 14:25:0040kb
aum-beta.sha256Jul 24 2024 14:25:000kb
aum-beta.sha512Jul 24 2024 14:25:010kb
aum-plesk-installerJul 24 2024 14:25:0140kb
aum-plesk-installer.ascJul 24 2024 14:25:021kb
aum-plesk-installer.sha256Jul 24 2024 14:25:020kb
aum-plesk-installer.sha512Jul 24 2024 14:25:030kb
aum.ascJul 24 2024 14:24:591kb
aum.sha256Jul 24 2024 14:25:030kb
aum.sha512Jul 24 2024 14:25:040kb
awpJul 24 2024 14:25:0454kb
awp-betaJul 24 2024 14:25:0515kb
awp-beta-uninstall.shJul 24 2024 14:25:055kb
awp-dbJul 24 2024 14:25:0620kb
awp-db.ascJul 24 2024 14:25:061kb
awp-db.sha512Jul 24 2024 14:25:070kb
awp-hubJul 24 2024 14:25:0834kb
awp-hub-betaJul 24 2024 14:25:0817kb
awp-hub.ascJul 24 2024 14:25:081kb
awp-hub.sha256Jul 24 2024 14:25:090kb
awp-hub.sha512Jul 24 2024 14:25:090kb
awp_standalone.shJul 24 2024 14:25:1023kb
check-setup.shJul 24 2024 14:25:115kb
enterprise-keyJul 24 2024 14:25:114kb
keyJul 24 2024 14:25:129kb
key.sha256Jul 24 2024 14:25:130kb
key.sha512Jul 24 2024 14:25:130kb
oumJul 24 2024 14:25:148kb
oum.ascJul 24 2024 14:25:141kb
oum.sha512Jul 24 2024 14:25:150kb
pleskDec 31 2019 16:53:2911kb
plesk-extension-aum.zipDec 06 2023 17:39:2028kb
plesk_aumJul 24 2024 14:25:157kb
uninstallJul 24 2024 14:25:164kb
uninstall.sha256Jul 24 2024 14:25:160kb
uninstall.sha512Jul 24 2024 14:25:160kb

Configuration for the Atomic Archive

Atomic Archives

  • [atomic] - Stable free access rpm channel
  • [atomic-testing] - Near production quality packages currently in QA
  • [asl-6.0] - Stable subscription-required rpm channel for Atomic Protector/Atomic OSSEC (formally known as Atomic Securd Linux)
  • [source] - Source RPM packages

Configuration & Installation

Please see the Atomicorp Documentation ( for instructions.

Atomicorp Products

  • Atomic OSSEC provides a commercially enhanced and supported version of the OSSEC intrustion detection system.
  • Atomic Protector provides comprehensive security and compliance for servers and cloud workloads.

Atomicorp Archives

The Atomicorp archives are available through the package managers for Ubuntu, Fedora, RHEL and CentOS. Note: Not all mirrors will maintain all channels listed above.

Copyright © 2022 Atomicorp, Inc.