#!/bin/bash # Copyright Atomicorp, Inc # 2025 ################################ # Global Variables ################################ export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 INSTALLER_VERSION=7.5.3 LOG=/root/awp-install.log ARCH=$(uname -i) ALT_REPO_DISABLED=0 TC_TARGET="updates.atomicorp.com/channels/asl-3.0/README" # set the default values for the arguments BETA=0 HTTPS_PROXY="" HTTPS_PROXY_USERNAME="" HTTPS_PROXY_PASSWORD="" STANDALONE=0 # create a show_help function function show_help() { echo echo "Atomicorp Hub Installler" echo " Version: $INSTALLER_VERSION" echo " Usage: $0 [options]" echo echo " Options:" echo " --https-proxy= will set the https_proxy environment variable" echo " --https-proxy-username= will set the https_proxy_username environment variable" echo " --https-proxy-password= will set the https_proxy_password environment variable" echo " --beta will install from the beta repository" echo " --install only install, do not configure" echo " --standalone local install (no hub)" echo } ############################### # Functions ############################### function app_exit { EXIT_CODE=$1 # re-enable disabled repos if [ $ALT_REPO_DISABLED -ge 1 ]; then for reponame in $ALT_REPO; do /usr/bin/yum-config-manager --enable $reponame > /dev/null done fi # remove lock file rm -f /awp-installer.lock # exit echo echo "`date -u` ERROR: abnormal exit $EXIT_CODE" | tee -a $LOG echo exit $EXIT_CODE } function check_input { message=$1 validate=$2 default=$3 while [ $? -ne 1 ]; do echo -n "$message " read INPUTTEXT < $INSTALL_TTY if [ "$INPUTTEXT" == "" -a "$default" != "" ]; then INPUTTEXT=$default return 1 fi echo $INPUTTEXT | egrep -q "$validate" && return 1 echo "Invalid input" done } rawurlencode() { local string="${1}" local strlen=${#string} local encoded="" for (( pos=0 ; pos /dev/null done fi else echo "PASS" fi } function check_ram { MIN_RAM=$1 echo -n " `date -u` MEM: " if [[ $PKG == "deb" ]]; then # Ubuntu uses free with different output format ram=$(free -m | awk '/Mem:/ {print $2}') swap=$(free -m | awk '/Swap:/ {print $2}') else ram=$(free | awk '/Mem:/ {print $2}') swap=$(free | awk '/Swap:/ {print $2}') fi if [ $ram -lt $MIN_RAM ]; then echo "FAIL - A minimum of 4G of memory is required" | tee -a $LOG app_exit 1 else echo "PASS" fi } function check_swap { echo -n " `date -u` SWAP: " if [[ $PKG == "deb" ]]; then # Ubuntu uses free with different output format swap=$(free -m | awk '/Swap:/ {print $2}') else swap=$(free | awk '/Swap:/ {print $2}') fi if [ $swap -lt 2090000 ]; then echo "FAIL - A minimum swap size of 2G is required for AWP." | tee -a $LOG else echo "PASS" fi } function check_ports { PORT_INFO_WEBD=$(ss -tulwnp | grep -e "tcp.*:30001" | awk '{print $7}') re="users:.*\"(.*)\",pid=([0-9]+),fd=([0-9]+).*" echo -n " `date -u` PORT-CHECK-1: " if [[ $PORT_INFO_WEBD =~ $re ]]; then if [[ ${BASH_REMATCH[1]} == "awpwebd" ]]; then systemctl stop awpwebd sleep 5s echo "PASS: ${BASH_REMATCH[1]} deactivated for install." else echo "FAIL: unexpected service using port 30001. Exiting..." | tee -a $LOG app_exit 1 fi else echo "PASS" fi PORT_INFO_TORTIXD=$(ss -tulwnp | grep -e "tcp.*:30000" | awk '{print $7}') re="users:.*\"(.*)\",pid=([0-9]+),fd=([0-9]+).*" echo -n " `date -u` PORT-CHECK-2: " if [[ $PORT_INFO_TORTIXD =~ $re ]]; then if [[ ${BASH_REMATCH[1]} == "tortixd" ]]; then systemctl stop tortixd sleep 5s echo "PASS: ${BASH_REMATCH[1]} deactivated for install." else echo "FAIL: unexpected service using port 30000. Exiting..." | tee -a $LOG app_exit 1 fi else echo "PASS" fi } function check_cores { CORES=$(nproc) echo -n " `date -u` CPU Cores ($CORES): " | tee -a $LOG if [[ $CORES -ge 2 ]]; then echo "PASS" | tee -a $LOG else echo "FAIL - A minimum of 2 cores needed, $CORES available." | tee -a $LOG app_exit 1 fi } function check_ssl { echo -n " `date -u` SSL: " | tee -a $LOG curl -s https://google.com >/dev/null RETVAL=$? if [ $RETVAL -eq 60 ]; then echo "FAILED: SSL Network failure (google.com): CA invalid" | tee -a $LOG app_exit 1 elif [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ] ; then echo "FAILED: SSL Network failure (google.com): connection failed" | tee -a $LOG app_exit 1 else echo "PASS" | tee -a $LOG fi } function check_release { if [ -f /etc/system-release ]; then RELEASE_FILE=/etc/system-release elif [ -f /etc/redhat-release ] ; then RELEASE_FILE=/etc/redhat-release elif [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then RELEASE_FILE=/etc/os-release else echo | tee -a $LOG echo "Error: /etc/redhat-release was not detected" | tee -a $LOG echo echo "`date -u` ERROR: could not determine release file" | tee -a $LOG app_exit 1 fi if egrep -q "release 7" $RELEASE_FILE ; then DIST="el7" DIR=centos/7 SUGGESTS="tortixd tortixd-mod_ssl tortix-waf tortix-mod_evasive tcpdump ansible" PKG=rpm elif egrep -q "release 8" $RELEASE_FILE ; then DIST="el8" DIR=centos/8 SUGGESTS="wireshark-cli ansible-core certbot clamav-filesystem" PKG=rpm elif egrep -q "release 9" $RELEASE_FILE ; then DIST="el9" DIR=rocky/9 SUGGESTS="wireshark-cli ansible-core certbot clamav-filesystem" PKG=rpm elif egrep -q "Bionic" $RELEASE_FILE && [ $STANDALONE -eq 1 ]; then DIST="bionic" DIR=ubuntu/18 SUGGESTS="" PKG=deb elif egrep -q "Focal" $RELEASE_FILE && [ $STANDALONE -eq 1 ]; then DIST="focal" DIR=ubuntu/20 SUGGESTS="" PKG=deb else echo "Error: Unable to determine distribution type. Please send the contents of $RELEASE_FILE to support@atomicorp.com" | tee -a $LOG echo "`date -u` ERROR: unable to determine distribution type" | tee -a $LOG echo echo "${TITLE} Supported platforms are:" echo " * RHEL/Centos 7" echo " * RHEL/Rocky 8" echo " * RHEL/Rocky 9" if [ $STANDALONE -eq 1 ]; then echo " * Ubuntu 18.04 (bionic)" echo " * Ubuntu 20.04 (focal)" fi echo app_exit 1 fi echo " `date -u` distribution determined as $DIST" | tee -a $LOG } function check_csf { if [ -d /etc/csf ]; then echo "WARNING: Configserver (CSF) detected. AP does not support CSF." | tee -a $LOG echo "CSF or other 3rd party WAF / Firewall management tools should be removed" | tee -a $LOG echo "before installing AP." | tee -a $LOG if [ ! $AUTO ]; then check_input " Would you like to remove csf? (yes/no) [Default: yes]" "yes|no" "yes" if [ "$INPUTTEXT" == "yes" ]; then if [ -f /etc/csf/uninstall.sh ]; then /etc/csf/uninstall.sh fi else check_input " Do you wish to continue? (yes/no) [Default: no]" "yes|no" "no" if [ "$INPUTTEXT" == "no" ]; then echo "Exiting..." | tee -a $LOG app_exit 1 fi check_input " Are you sure you wish to continue? (yes/no) [Default: no]" "yes|no" "no" if [ "$INPUTTEXT" == "no" ]; then echo "Exiting..." | tee -a $LOG app_exit 1 fi echo "WARNING: CSF detected, user accepted risk " | tee -a $LOG fi fi fi } function check_update_history() { if [[ $PKG == "rpm" ]]; then echo echo -n "Checking for core updates: " Y_LIST=$(yum list updates |wc -l) if [ $Y_LIST -gt 50 ]; then echo "Pending updates FAIL (count: $Y_LIST)" >> $LOG echo FAIL | tee -a $LOG echo | tee -a $LOG echo " A test using the yum updater on the system indicated that it is " | tee -a $LOG echo " significantly out of date. ($Y_LIST updates pending)" | tee -a $LOG echo " This environment may be so out of date that it will not be supportable." | tee -a $LOG echo | tee -a $LOG echo " Recommendation: Halt the installation, and investigate the unapplied " | tee -a $LOG echo " Operating System patches to the system using the command:" | tee -a $LOG echo " yum list updates" | tee -a $LOG echo | tee -a $LOG if [ ! $AUTO ]; then echo check_input " This environment is UNSUPPORTED. Do you wish to continue? (yes/no) [Default: no]" "yes|no" "no" if [ "$INPUTTEXT" == "no" ]; then echo echo "Exiting..." echo app_exit 1 fi fi echo echo echo echo "WARNING: Pending updates, user accepted risk " >> $LOG else echo "OK" echo "Pending updates OK (count: $Y_LIST)" >> $LOG fi fi } function check_aum_plesk { if [ -f /etc/asl/config ]; then if grep -q plesk_global_default /etc/asl/config; then if [[ $PKG == "rpm" ]]; then rpm -e aum --nodeps elif [[ $PKG == "deb" ]]; then dpkg -r aum fi fi fi } function check_plesk_firewall() { if [ -f /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/psa-firewall.service ]; then systemctl stop psa-firewall.service > /dev/null systemctl disable psa-firewall.service > /dev/null fi } function firewalld_disable () { if [ -f /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/firewalld.service ]; then systemctl stop firewalld.service > /dev/null systemctl disable firewalld.service > /dev/null fi } function check_selinux { if [ -x /usr/sbin/setenforce ]; then /usr/sbin/setenforce 0 >/dev/null 2>&1 if grep -q '^SELINUX=enabled$' /etc/selinux/config; then /usr/bin/sed -i 's/SELINUX=.*/SELINUX=permissive/g' /etc/selinux/config fi fi } function check_package_conflicts() { COUNT=0 CONFLICTS="MFEcma MFErt MFEhiplsm-kernel MFEhiplsm-apache cphalo cb cb-enterprise psa imunify360-venv imunify360-ossec imunify360-ossec-hybrid imunify360-ossec-server" if [ "$STANDALONE" -eq 1 ]; then # Remove "psa" from the list of conflicts CONFLICTS=$(echo "$CONFLICTS" | sed 's/psa//g') fi for package in $CONFLICTS; do if rpm -q "$package" >/dev/null; then ((COUNT++)) ARRAY+=(" Incompatible package: $package ") fi done if [ "$COUNT" -ge 1 ]; then echo " Environment incompatibility score: $COUNT" printf ' %s\n' "${ARRAY[@]}" app_exit 1 fi } function check_rhel_subscriptions() { if [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then if grep -q "Red Hat" /etc/redhat-release; then # Is the system subscribed to RHN? if [ -x /usr/sbin/subscription-manager ]; then /usr/sbin/subscription-manager status | egrep -q "Overall Status: Current|host has access to content" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo " Red Hat subscription status: Not current" | tee -a $LOG echo " Please ensure the system is subscribed to Red Hat Network" | tee -a $LOG app_exit 1 fi fi # Check if the system is running RHEL 9 if grep -q "release 9" /etc/redhat-release; then # Try enabling the first repository dnf config-manager --enable codeready-builder-for-rhel-9-x86_64-rpms if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo " Failed to enable codeready-builder-for-rhel-9-x86_64-rpms, trying RHUI repository..." | tee -a $LOG # Try enabling the second repository dnf config-manager --enable codeready-builder-for-rhel-9-x86_64-rhui-rpms if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo " Neither CodeReady Builder repository could be enabled" | tee -a $LOG echo " Please enable the appropriate CodeReady Builder repository" | tee -a $LOG app_exit 1 fi fi fi fi fi } function preflight_installation { echo -n "Starting Preflight Installation Checks:" | tee -a $LOG echo #OS release check check_release #Remove asl and awp repos if they exist. check_prexisting_reps # If the system is running RHEL, check for subscriptions check_rhel_subscriptions #package conflicts # if PKG is rpm if [ $PKG == rpm ]; then check_package_conflicts fi if [[ ! $DEBUG ]]; then #Check Disk if [ $STANDALONE -eq 1 ]; then check_diskspace /var 10 30 else check_diskspace /var 40 100 fi #Check Ram. if [[ $STANDALONE -eq 1 ]]; then check_ram 1800000 else check_ram 3700000 fi #Check Swap space. check_swap #Checking ports check_ports #CPU Core check check_cores #SSL check check_ssl fi #CSF check check_csf #SE Linux check check_selinux # If STANDALONE then run these checks if [ $STANDALONE -eq 1 ]; then #Check for updates check_update_history #Check for Plesk Firewall check_plesk_firewall #Check for AUM check_aum_plesk fi #Check for Firewalld firewalld_disable } function post_install_standalone() { if [ $INSTALL_ONLY ]; then echo "Installation complete" exit 0 fi AWP_CONFIG=/var/awp/etc/config RULES_CONFIG=/var/awp/etc/rules.json systemctl daemon-reload systemctl stop awpd # set username and password in file sed -i "s/\"USERNAME\"/\"$USERNAME\"/" $AWP_CONFIG sed -i "s/\"PASSWORD\"/\"${PASSWORD}\"/" $AWP_CONFIG sed -i 's/\(^OSSEC_AUTHD_DISABLED=\).*/\1\"yes\"/' $AWP_CONFIG sed -i 's/\(^CLUSTER_TYPE=\).*/\1\"primary\"/' $AWP_CONFIG sed -i 's/\(^CONFIGURED=\).*/\1\"yes\"/' $AWP_CONFIG echo "$(date -u) updated /var/awp/etc/config" >>$LOG echo "$(date -u) running /var/awp/bin/setup" >>$LOG echo "Initializing setup, please be patient..." /var/awp/bin/aum -uf -silent /var/awp/bin/setup if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error: setup could not complete successfully" app_exit 1 fi systemctl stop awpd /var/awp/bin/aum -uf | tee -a $LOG if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # Enable and start services based on package type if [[ $PKG == "deb" ]]; then # Ubuntu service management systemctl enable ossec-hids systemctl start ossec-hids systemctl enable clamav-daemon systemctl enable clamav-freshclam systemctl start clamav-daemon systemctl start clamav-freshclam else # RHEL/CentOS service management systemctl enable ossec-hids systemctl start ossec-hids systemctl enable clamd@scan systemctl enable clamonacc fi echo echo "Starting AWPd" systemctl start awpd # Verify awpwebd is running echo -n "Starting AWPwebd: " while ! /usr/bin/pgrep awpwebd >/dev/null; do echo -n "." sleep 3 done echo " Done" echo "Final setup tasks" n=0 until [ $n -ge 5 ]; do /var/awp/bin/awp -s -f && break n=$(($n + 1)) echo "Retrying in 5s..." sleep 5 done else echo echo "ERROR: aum could not complete successfully" echo app_exit 1 fi } function clear_firewall() { if rpm -q psa-firewall >/dev/null; then if [ -f /etc/init.d/psa-firewall ]; then /etc/init.d/psa-firewall stop if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo " Error: Plesk firewall could not be disabled" exit 1 fi elif [ -f /usr/lib/systemd/system/psa-firewall.service ]; then systemctl stop psa-firewall if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo " Error: Plesk firewall could not be disabled" exit 1 fi fi rpm -e psa-firewall --nodeps >/dev/null 2>&1 fi } ##################################### # Main ##################################### for arg in "$@"; do case $arg in --https-proxy=*) HTTPS_PROXY="${arg#*=}" shift # Remove --https-proxy from processing ;; --https-proxy-username=*) HTTPS_PROXY_USERNAME="${arg#*=}" shift # Remove --https-proxy-username from processing ;; --https-proxy-password=*) HTTPS_PROXY_PASSWORD="${arg#*=}" shift # Remove --https-proxy-password from processing ;; --beta) BETA=1 shift # Remove --beta from processing ;; # add --standalone option --standalone) STANDALONE=1 shift # Remove --standalone from processing ;; # add --install --install) INSTALL_ONLY=1 shift # Remove --install from processing ;; # add help with -h or --help -h|--help) show_help exit ;; *) # unknown option ;; esac done # if standalone, set the TITLE string to "Standalone" if [ $STANDALONE -eq 1 ]; then TITLE="Atomic Workload Protection" else TITLE="Atomic OSSEC Hub" fi #Run Preflight installation checks. echo "`date -u` --------------------------------------------------" >> $LOG echo "`date -u` AP installation started" >> $LOG echo echo echo "${TITLE} (v$INSTALLER_VERSION)" echo " By Atomicorp: https://www.atomicorp.com" echo " Documentation: https://docs.atomicorp.com/AEO/index.html" echo if [ ! $SSH_TTY ]; then INSTALL_TTY="/dev/$(ps -p$$ --no-heading | awk '{print $2}')" else INSTALL_TTY=$SSH_TTY fi # If the HTTPS_PROXY environment variable is set then set the https_proxy environment variable if [ ! -z "$HTTPS_PROXY" ]; then export https_proxy=$HTTPS_PROXY fi # If the HTTPS_PROXY_USERNAME environment variable is set then set the https_proxy_username environment variable if [ ! -z "$HTTPS_PROXY_USERNAME" ]; then export https_proxy_username=$HTTPS_PROXY_USERNAME fi # If the HTTPS_PROXY_PASSWORD environment variable is set then set the https_proxy_password environment variable if [ ! -z "$HTTPS_PROXY_PASSWORD" ]; then export https_proxy_password=$HTTPS_PROXY_PASSWORD fi preflight_installation / 3 30 # is this unattended if [ -f awp.cfg ]; then source ./awp.cfg AUTO=1 echo "`date -u` awp.cfg detected, running in unattended mode" >> $LOG fi # if not unattended, force CONFIGURED to no if [ ! $AUTO ]; then CONFIGURED=no echo "`date -u` CONFIGURED forced to no" >> $LOG fi # if not unattended if [ ! $AUTO ]; then # source existing v5 config if present if [ -f /etc/asl/config ] ; then source /etc/asl/config echo "`date -u` sourced /etc/asl/config" >> $LOG # Hub install upgrades, inherit ASL config cp /etc/asl/config /root/awp.cfg if [ ! -d /root/v5tmp ] ; then mkdir -p /root/v5tmp cp -a /etc/asl/* /root/v5tmp/ fi # Check for v5 configuration_setup stuck in loop and remove it. echo "`date -u` Checking for v5 configuration setup..." >> $LOG ps -ax | grep -e "[c]onfiguration_setup.sh" | xargs | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kill > /dev/null 2>&1 echo "`date -u` configuration setup removal exited with code: ${?}" >> $LOG fi # source existing v6 config if present if [ -f /var/awp/etc/config ] ; then source /var/awp/etc/config echo "`date -u` sourced /var/awp/etc/config" >> $LOG fi fi # ask for credentials, determine TC_TARGET if [ "$CONFIGURED" != "yes" ]; then echo echo # --------- from tortix.key if [ -f /var/awp/etc/tortix.key ] && [ -s /var/awp/etc/tortix.key ]; then if [ ! -f /usr/bin/php ]; then yum -y install php fi echo "`date -u` credentials derived from /var/awp/etc/tortix.key " >> $LOG TC_TARGET="updates.atomicorp.com/channels/rules/plesk/README" STEXT=`base64 -d /var/awp/etc/tortix.key` USERNAME=$(php -r "\$z = unserialize('"$STEXT"'); echo \$z[\"login\"] ; ") PASSWORD=$(php -r "\$z = unserialize('"$STEXT"'); echo \$z[\"pass\"] ; ") if [ "$USERNAME" == "" ]; then echo "`date -u` ERROR: username was empty (encoding error)" >> $LOG app_exit 1 fi if [ "$PASSWORD" == "" ]; then echo "`date -u` ERROR: password was empty (encoding error)" >> $LOG app_exit 1 fi export USERNAME echo "`date -u` username: $USERNAME" >> $LOG # --------- from stdin else echo "`date -u` fetching credentials from stdin" >> $LOG TC_TARGET="updates.atomicorp.com/channels/asl-3.0/README" echo -n "Enter subscription Username: " read USERNAME < $INSTALL_TTY export USERNAME if [ "$USERNAME" == "" ]; then echo "Exiting: Username is blank. " echo echo "`date -u` ERROR: empty username provided" >> $LOG app_exit 1 fi PASSCONFIRMED=0 failed=0 while [ $PASSCONFIRMED -lt 1 ]; do if [ $failed -gt 2 ]; then echo "Exiting: too many failed attempts." echo echo "`date -u` ERROR: too many failed attempts" >> $LOG app_exit 1 fi echo -n "Enter Subscription Password: " unset PASSWORD read -sr PASSWORD < $INSTALL_TTY echo if [ "$PASSWORD" == "" ]; then echo "Exiting: Password is blank..." echo "`date -u` ERROR: empty password provided" >> $LOG app_exit 1 fi unset PASSWORD2 echo -n "Re-Enter Subscription Password: " read -sr PASSWORD2 < $INSTALL_TTY echo if [ "$PASSWORD" == "$PASSWORD2" ]; then PASSCONFIRMED=1 else failed=$(( $failed + 1 )) echo "Sorry, passwords do not match." echo echo "`date -u` ERROR: password mismatch" >> $LOG fi done fi fi ENCPASSWORD=$(rawurlencode $PASSWORD) echo "$(date -u) testing credentials" >>$LOG TEST_CREDENTIALS=$(curl -s https://$USERNAME:$ENCPASSWORD@$TC_TARGET) echo echo -n "Verifying account: " if [[ "$TEST_CREDENTIALS" != "Atomicorp, Inc." ]]; then echo "Failed" echo echo " ERROR: AP Username/Password credentials are incorrect or this license has expired." echo " For more information, please see this FAQ:" echo " https://wiki.atomicorp.com/wiki/index.php/ASL_FAQ#HTTP_Error_401:_Authorization_Required_Trying_other_mirror " echo echo "$(date -u) ERROR: authorization failed" >>$LOG app_exit 1 else echo " Passed" echo "$(date -u) authorization test passed" >>$LOG fi if [[ $PKG == "rpm" ]]; then echo -n "Installing the Atomic GPG key: " if [ ! -f /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY.atomicorp.txt ]; then if [ ! -d /etc/pki/rpm-gpg ]; then mkdir -p /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/ fi curl -s https://www.atomicorp.com/RPM-GPG-KEY.atomicorp.txt -o /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY.atomicorp.txt RETVAL=$? if [ ! "$RETVAL" = 0 ]; then echo FAIL curl https://www.atomicorp.com/RPM-GPG-KEY.atomicorp.txt echo echo " Could not download the Atomicorp gpg key" echo echo "`date -u` ERROR: failed to download the Atomicorp GPG key" >> $LOG app_exit 1 fi fi /bin/rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY.atomicorp.txt echo "`date -u` Atomicorp GPG key imported" >> $LOG if [ ! -d /var/awp/etc ]; then mkdir -p /var/awp/etc echo "`date -u` created /var/awp/etc" >> $LOG fi # repo files #--------------------------------------------------------- # asl6.repo cat << EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/awp.repo [asl-6.0] name=Atomicorp - $releasever - Atomic Web Protection 6.0 mirrorlist=file:///var/awp/etc/asl-6.0-mirrorlist priority=1 enabled=1 gpgkey = file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY.atomicorp.txt gpgcheck=1 $KERNEL [asl-6.0-testing] name=Atomicorp - $releasever - Atomic Web Protection 6.0 (Testing) mirrorlist=file:///var/awp/etc/asl-6.0-testing-mirrorlist priority=1 enabled=$BETA gpgkey = file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY.atomicorp.txt gpgcheck=1 $KERNEL EOF # asl.repo cat << EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/asl.repo [asl-4.0] name=Atomicorp - $releasever - Atomic Secured Linux 4.0 mirrorlist=file:///var/awp/etc/asl-4.0-mirrorlist priority=1 enabled=0 gpgkey = file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY.atomicorp.txt gpgcheck=1 $KERNEL [asl-4.0-testing] name=Atomicorp - $releasever - Atomic Secured Linux 4.0 (Testing) mirrorlist=file:///var/awp/etc/asl-4.0-testing-mirrorlist priority=1 enabled=0 gpgkey = file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY.atomicorp.txt gpgcheck=1 $KERNEL EOF #--------------------------------------------------------- echo "`date -u` created .repo files" >> $LOG # mirrorlist files #--------------------------------------------------------- cat << EOF > /var/awp/etc/asl-6.0-mirrorlist https://$USERNAME:$ENCPASSWORD@updates.atomicorp.com/channels/asl-6.0/$DIR/$ARCH EOF cat << EOF > /var/awp/etc/asl-6.0-testing-mirrorlist https://$USERNAME:$ENCPASSWORD@updates.atomicorp.com/channels/asl-6.0-testing/$DIR/$ARCH EOF cat << EOF > /var/awp/etc/asl-4.0-mirrorlist https://$USERNAME:$ENCPASSWORD@updates.atomicorp.com/channels/asl-4.0/$DIR/$ARCH EOF cat << EOF > /var/awp/etc/asl-4.0-testing-mirrorlist https://$USERNAME:$ENCPASSWORD@updates.atomicorp.com/channels/asl-4.0-testing/$DIR/$ARCH EOF #--------------------------------------------------------- # HUB Installation #--------------------------------------------------------- if [ $STANDALONE -eq 0 ]; then if [ ! -f awp.cfg ]; then echo "USERNAME=\"$USERNAME\"" >> awp.cfg echo "PASSWORD=\"${PASSWORD}\"" >> awp.cfg echo "KERNEL_CHANNEL=\"disabled\"" >> awp.cfg echo "CONFIGURED=\"yes\"" >> awp.cfg echo "FW_INBOUND_TCP_SERVICES=\"22,80,443,1514,1515,1516,30001\"" >> awp.cfg echo "OPENID_CONNECT_INTEGRATION=\"on\"" >> awp.cfg echo "OSSEC_ACTIVE_RESPONSE=\"yes\"" >> awp.cfg echo "OSSEC_NOTIFY=\"no\"" >> awp.cfg echo "ALLOW_kmod_loading=\"yes\"" >> awp.cfg # if HTTPS_PROXY is set, use it if [ "$HTTPS_PROXY" ]; then echo "HTTP_PROXY=\"$HTTPS_PROXY\"" >> awp.cfg fi # if HTTPS_PROXY_USERNAME, and HTTPS_PROXY_PASSWORD are set, use it if [ "$HTTPS_PROXY_USERNAME" ] && [ "$HTTPS_PROXY_PASSWORD" ]; then echo "HTTP_PROXY_USERNAME=\"$HTTPS_PROXY_USERNAME\"" >> awp.cfg echo "HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD=\"$HTTPS_PROXY_PASSWORD\"" >> awp.cfg fi fi source ./awp.cfg # Install postfix yum install -y postfix if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: Unable to install postfix" app_exit 1 fi systemctl enable postfix || : systemctl start postfix || : fi # add epel release repo yum install -y epel-release if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then if [[ "$DIST" == "el9" ]]; then dnf -y install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-9.noarch.rpm elif [[ "$DIST" == "el8" ]]; then dnf -y install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-8.noarch.rpm elif [[ "$DIST" == "el7" ]]; then yum -y install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm else echo "ERROR: Unable to install the EPEL repo (Required)" echo " if this is an internet restricted environment, switch to the Offline installation license" app_exit 1 fi fi # EL9 if [[ "$DIST" == "el9" ]]; then if ! grep -q "Red Hat" /etc/redhat-release; then dnf -y install dnf-plugins-core dnf config-manager --set-enabled crb # if this fails we need to exit if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: Unable to enable the CRB repo" app_exit 1 fi fi fi echo "`date -u` installing the awp package" >> $LOG #--------------------------------------------------------- # Installation #--------------------------------------------------------- if [[ $STANDALONE -eq 1 ]]; then # Pre-reqs clear_firewall echo "$(date -u) installing the awp package" >>$LOG PACKAGES="awp awp-web jq ${SUGGESTS}" yum install -y $PACKAGES | tee -a $LOG if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ ! $AUTO ]; then cat /var/awp/data/license_agreement.txt | less -e -M -Ps"Press any key to view the next page" check_input "Do you agree to these terms (yes/no) [Default: yes]" "yes|no" "yes" if [ $INPUTTEXT != "yes" ]; then echo Exiting install, License was not accepted fi echo "NOTICE: User accepted License" >> $LOG fi post_install_standalone else echo echo "ERROR: There was a problem with the Yum installation" echo "$(date -u) ERROR: base package installation failed" >>$LOG echo echo app_exit 1 fi else # Hub Install PACKAGES="awp awp-web httpd mod_ssl awp-hub-utils aeo-python-utils wget rsync telnet net-tools vim-enhanced jq php yum-utils tar bind-utils ${SUGGESTS}" yum install -y $PACKAGES | tee -a $LOG if [ $INSTALL_ONLY ]; then echo "Installation complete" exit 0 fi rpm -q awp if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ -f /etc/httpd/conf.d/welcome.conf ]; then rm -f /etc/httpd/conf.d/welcome.conf fi systemctl enable httpd systemctl start httpd AWP_CONFIG=/var/awp/etc/config RULES_CONFIG=/var/awp/etc/rules.json # reload for service files if el7 if [ $DIST == "el7" ] ; then echo "`date -u` reloading systemctl daemon" >> $LOG systemctl daemon-reload fi systemctl stop awpd # set username and password in file sed -i "s/\"USERNAME\"/\"$USERNAME\"/" $AWP_CONFIG sed -i "s/\"PASSWORD\"/\"${PASSWORD}\"/" $AWP_CONFIG echo "`date -u` updated /var/awp/etc/config" >> $LOG echo "`date -u` running /var/awp/bin/setup" >> $LOG echo "Initializing setup, please be patient..." /var/awp/bin/setup | egrep -v "ossec-control|Restarting Ossec" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error: setup could not complete successfully" exit 1 fi systemctl stop awpd # Enable services jq '. + {"syslog": [{"setting_type": "S", "rule_type": "secure", "port": "1514", "protocol": "udp", "ips_allowed": [],"ips_denied": [] }, { "setting_type": "S", "rule_type": "syslog", "port": "514", "protocol": "udp", "ips_allowed": [ "" ], "ips_denied": [] }]}' $RULES_CONFIG > /tmp/rules.json && cp -f /tmp/rules.json $RULES_CONFIG /var/awp/bin/aum -uf | tee -a $LOG if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then systemctl enable ossec-hids systemctl start ossec-hids systemctl enable clamav-daemon echo echo "Starting AWP" systemctl start awpd # Creating installer repos if [ ! -d /var/www/html/installers ]; then mkdir -p /var/www/html/installers fi # Run mirror creation step echo echo "Creating agent mirror" eval /etc/cron.daily/awp-mirror-update &> /dev/null &disown; eval /etc/cron.daily/awp-docs-update &> /dev/null &disown; # Verify awpwebd is running echo -n "Starting AWPwebd: " while ! /usr/bin/pgrep awpwebd >/dev/null; do echo -n "." sleep 3 done echo " Done" # test this next, we did that stop above it might be enough echo "Final setup tasks" n=0 until [ $n -ge 10 ]; do /var/awp/bin/awp -s -f && break n=$[$n+1] echo "Retrying in 15s..." sleep 15 done echo "Success" # Disable 332039 awp --rule-disable 332039 # Compress logs sed -i "s/^#compress/compress/g" /etc/logrotate.conf # Enable EULA #if [ -f /var/awp/data/.regform ]; then # rm -f /var/awp/data/.regform #fi fi else echo echo "ERROR: There was a problem with the Yum installation" echo "`date -u` ERROR: base package installation failed" >> $LOG echo echo app_exit 1 fi # Re-enable disabled repos if [ $ALT_REPO_DISABLED -ge 1 ]; then for reponame in $ALT_REPO; do /usr/bin/yum-config-manager --enable $reponame > /dev/null done fi fi elif [[ $PKG == "deb" ]]; then echo -n "Installing the Atomic GPG key: " if [ ! -f /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/atomicorp.gpg ]; then if [ ! -d /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d ]; then mkdir -p /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ fi curl -s https://www.atomicorp.com/RPM-GPG-KEY.atomicorp.txt | gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/atomicorp.gpg RETVAL=$? if [ ! "$RETVAL" = 0 ]; then echo FAIL curl https://www.atomicorp.com/RPM-GPG-KEY.atomicorp.txt echo echo " Could not download the Atomicorp gpg key" echo echo "`date -u` ERROR: failed to download the Atomicorp GPG key" >> $LOG app_exit 1 fi fi echo "`date -u` Atomicorp GPG key imported" >> $LOG if [ ! -d /var/awp/etc ]; then mkdir -p /var/awp/etc echo "`date -u` created /var/awp/etc" >> $LOG fi # Add repository configuration if [[ "$DIST" != "bionic" && "$DIST" != "focal" ]]; then echo "ERROR: Only Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic) and 20.04 (Focal) are supported for Ubuntu installations" app_exit 1 fi cat << EOF > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/awp.list deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/atomicorp.gpg] https://$USERNAME:$ENCPASSWORD@updates.atomicorp.com/channels/asl-6.0/ubuntu/dists/$DIST stable main deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/atomicorp.gpg] https://$USERNAME:$ENCPASSWORD@updates.atomicorp.com/channels/asl-6.0-testing/ubuntu/dists/$DIST testing main EOF # Update package lists apt-get update if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: Failed to update package lists" app_exit 1 fi # Install required packages apt-get install -y awp awpwebd if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: Failed to install AWP packages" app_exit 1 fi # Install postfix for Ubuntu apt-get install -y postfix if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: Unable to install postfix" app_exit 1 fi post_install_standalone fi # Get the default IP address for the system IP="$(ip route get 1 | awk '{print $7}')" echo echo "######################################################" echo "${TITLE} has been installed successfully" if [[ "$OSSEC_MODE" == "server" ]]; then echo "Access the AWP web console at https://$IP:30001" fi echo "######################################################" echo echo echo "`date -u` installation complete" >> $LOG #END